Wednesday, September 21, 2005

ruff, ruff...

Where are all my roughs!!! I've come to the realization that I don't draw much anymore... well, not for myself anyway.

Everything I draw lately has a purpose - roughs become clean, clean lineart gets colored and everything rough seems to get deleted along the way, leaving me with a finished piece and nothing else.

I'll have to dive into my archives... or start drawing on paper again.


the doodlers said...

Hi Todd! What a cuddly little devil!

Love to see more...

Drazen said...

nice chapeau!
keep rockin mr. kaufman!

Todd Kauffman said...

drazen you ol' so and so. how the hell are ya?

Drazen said...

Doin allright Mr. K..a little wine, a little dance a little seltzer down the pants [or something like that] as our peanut eating friend Deni would say.